Fridge Rock
Year: 2019
Collaborators: Andrin Hess
Programs Used: Cinema 4D, Premiere Pro, After Effects
To visualize a marketing concept, I created a 3D model of a solar refrigerator. After the presentation, I saw untapped potential in the fridge and wanted to try my hand at a 3D animation. I tried to shed a new light on the familiar question of whether the light in the fridge goes on when you close the door: What happens to the fridge itself when the light in the kitchen goes out?
The result is a rebellious icebox that indulges its love of music in the dark. When the light comes on, it embarrassingly returns to its original state. Sound design and timing played an important role in the realisation in order to follow the story well.
Origami Paper Bat
Year: 2020
Collaborators: Andrin Hess
Programs Used: Photoshop, Blender, Premiere Pro, After Effects
Supervision: Prof. Jo Wickert
As an exercise during the semester project Play. Create. Learn. Play, the task was to animate the folding process of an origami figure. The exercise was a preparation for an animated game manual for the main game, which we were to create in this module (see Brevio). I was inspired by the "boss intros" from the video game series Borderlands and gave the paper bat wings after the folding process was completed, while the title "Origami Paperbat" builds up in a dynamic animation.
Year: 2020
Collaborators: Andrin Hess
Programs Used: Photoshop, Blender, Premiere Pro
For a DOOH (Digital Out Of Home) competition, I started creating a small animation, illustrating all the elements in Photoshop before transferring them into Blender and mapping them onto 3D surfaces to create a small animation. Colour and lighting were particularly important and I tried to create paralax effects with the 2D sprites to create more depth. Unfortunately I couldn't finish the project due to time constraints in my studies.
Indianerbananen Hess
Year: 2023
Collaborators: Andrin Hess
Programs Used: Photoshop,
For my parents, I created a simple website to market the exotic yet frost-resistant PawPaw plant (german: Indianerbanane), which they cultivate on our farm in Thurgau. I made photos of the plants and other products, that are sold in a little self-service shop and created a simple logo. Using, I built a small website for people to inform themselves about the plant, its fruits, and the Hofkiosk, where, besides the PawPaw itself, my parents sell various homemade products.